Proverbidioms puzzle

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Proverbidioms - Word Puns
Features: Engaging puzzles blending hidden object and educational elements. - Hundreds of comically literal depictions of popular idioms. - Uncover meanings. The original Proverbidioms contained over common proverbs, catchphrases, and cliches, including "You are what you eat" and "A Frog in the throat.". The original Proverbidioms contained over common proverbs, catchphrases, and cliches, including "You are what you eat" and "A Frog in the throat." The.
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Ratings and Reviews. An outstanding interpretation of the centuries-old theme of the Temptation of St. Hook Jam. Thank you for your kind words! Sawing logs Self-made man She stole his heart Shoot one's mouth off Shot in the arm Sit on it Sitting on a fence Sky is falling Sky's the limit Slow but steady wins the race Something up one's sleeve Something's rotten in Denmark Sour grapes Small world Smoke so thick you can cut it with a knife Snake in the grass Snug as a bug in the rug Stabbed in the back Stag party Stay in one's shell Stewed Stitch in time save time Stone face Stoned Stones throw away Straight from the horse's mouth Strawman Stretch one's legs Strong stomach Stubborn as a mule Stuffed shirt Sweep it under the rug Sweetest grapes hang highest.